
“I still have your speech on demystifying excellence and have shared it with many friends. I read it more than once a year, and it always helps to inspire me.”
— Raahul Srinivasan, Keynote Attendee

Explore a Keynote Address by a leader with a proven track record of inspiring and producing Big Challenging Things with a galvanizing life story of triumph over tragedy. Cory’s two big-picture areas of advocacy below and his custom Keynotes resonate with assemblies of people high school and up and are delivered as challenging calls to action.

Let’s give away the endings right now. In Cory’s Keynotes, the ultimate message is clear: If you know what your goals and purpose are, reach for excellence and sophistication in them, and are willing to fail, you’ll never be deterred and go to bed happy — even on days when you lose. Do you have the courage to go where you wanna be?  Details below.

Explore Cory’s Keynote Addresses:

To Demystifying Excellence | To Other & Custom Keynotes