Sorry, there are no more lyrics to read. However, this titillating information is available to you:
Die Oystersingers are:
- Soprano Kathleen Gregory, Tami Jones, & Janette Sampson
- Alto Jennifer Angel, Amy S. Hunn, & Joanna Selznick
- Tenor Kevin Bleyer, Cory Cullinan, & Nirav Tolia
- Bass Ben Evans, Matthew Francis, & Ross King
Individual song credits are listed on the individual song pages
Produced by Cory Cullinan & Jay Kadis
Recorded by Jay Kadis at the Palace Of Pearls
Mixed by Phillip Blackford on Euphonix (except Bright In Your Ways, mixed by Cory Cullinan at the Palace Of Pearls)
Mastered by George Horn at Fantasy Studios
Cover painting by Michael Lowe
Artwork & design by Christian Lowe
Text layout by Cory Cullinan
Photography by Ansel Kanemoto
All music and lyrics were composed and arranged by Cory Cullinan, except for the songs you don’t like, which were written by somebody else.
This album was recorded at the Palace of Pearls, on February 8th, from 1-2 pm, except Bright In Your Ways and the pipe organ on The Story Of Heaven, which were recorded in even bigger places. The first history was recorded by Herodotus c. 440 B.C.
All music & lyrics © 1993 Cory Patrick Cullinan, except Something (For Janette) © 1994 Janette Cullinan. All songs published by Cullinan Diamonds (BMI). All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
Protected & copyrighted 1996 Pictoria Records. Warning: All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. You will be spanked and caned in several places. Printed in the U.S.A.
The Compact Disc’s remarkable performance is the result of a unique combination of digital storage and way-cool laser optics. The C.I.R.C. error-correction system employed in the disc is powerful enough to correct for compositional errors in the music. No further cleaning will be necessary if the disc is always held by the edges and is replaced in its case directly after playing and before cooking. Should the compact disc become soiled by fingerprints or even less hygienic materials, it can be wiped with a clean and lint-free, soft, dry cloth (always in a straight line from center to edge). Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight, heat, humidity, or harsh language for a prolonged period of time. Do not attempt to use a fork to extract the disc from a toaster.
my oyster (mi oi-ster) n. 1. a kind of shellfish used as food, some types of which produce pearls inside their shells. 2. something from which one may extract or derive advantage: The world was his oyster.
Still here? Something (For Janette) was performed live for an audience of one on November 16, 1994. Conspirators included Cory Cullinan on voice & tuxedo, Gabriel Lucas on piano & tuxedo, Andy Butler on bass & tuxedo, Dodger Posey on drums & tuxedo, and Leola Cullinan on flowers. The mission was successful.